Buffalo Ghee


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Cottage Wellness Handmade Buffalo Ghee is a premium-quality ghee meticulously crafted from the milk of carefully selected buffaloes. Our utmost commitment to neatness and hygiene ensures that you receive a product of exceptional quality and purity. Experience the rich and authentic flavor of Cottage Wellness Handmade Buffalo Ghee, a culinary delight that adds a distinct taste to your favorite dishes.


Nutrient-Rich: Buffalo Ghee is packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins A, D, E, and K. It provides nourishment to the body, supporting overall health and well-being.

Digestive Aid: Consuming Buffalo Ghee aids in digestion by promoting the secretion of digestive enzymes. It helps improve gut health, reduce digestive discomfort, and support smooth digestion.

Immune Booster: Buffalo Ghee is believed to possess immune-boosting properties due to its rich vitamin content. It helps strengthen the immune system, making the body more resilient to infections and diseases.

Heart Health: Moderate consumption of Buffalo Ghee can contribute to heart health. It contains healthy fats that may help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart diseases.

Joint and Bone Health: Buffalo Ghee is known to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate joint pain and inflammation. Regular consumption may promote joint and bone health.

Skin and Hair Care: Buffalo Ghee acts as a natural moisturizer, nourishing the skin from within. It helps improve skin texture, adds a healthy glow, and strengthens hair follicles for shiny, lustrous hair.

Ayurvedic Significance: Buffalo Ghee holds significance in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine. It is considered sattvic (pure) and is believed to promote balance and harmony in the body.

Making Process:

Milk Collection: We ensure the highest standards of hygiene in selecting buffaloes that are raised in a clean and healthy environment. The milk is collected with utmost care and precision.

Cream Separation: The milk is allowed to settle, and the cream naturally rises to the top. We carefully skim off the cream, which is rich in butterfat.

Churning: The cream is churned using traditional methods to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk. This process ensures the extraction of pure butterfat for making ghee.

Slow Heating: The separated butterfat is slowly heated in a controlled environment to evaporate the moisture content. This slow heating process helps preserve the ghee’s nutritional properties.

Filtration: Once the ghee is ready, it is meticulously filtered through fine sieves to remove any impurities and sediment, ensuring a smooth and pure texture.

Packaging: Cottage Wellness Handmade Buffalo Ghee is packaged in hygienic containers that protect it from external contaminants, maintaining its freshness and quality.

Hygienic Facility: Our production facility is designed to adhere to strict cleanliness and hygiene standards. We maintain a clean and sanitized environment to ensure the purity of our ghee.

Equipment Sanitization: All the equipment used in the ghee-making process is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized to eliminate any potential contaminants.

Regular Cleaning Protocols: We follow rigorous cleaning protocols to maintain the cleanliness of our facility. Regular cleaning schedules are implemented to ensure a hygienic production environment.

Hand Hygiene: Our staff members strictly adhere to proper hand hygiene practices, including frequent hand washing and the use of sanitizers, to prevent the spread of bacteria or pathogens.

Pest Control Measures: We have robust pest control measures in place to prevent any infestation and maintain a hygienic environment throughout the production process.

Quality Assurance: We conduct regular quality checks at every stage of production to ensure that our ghee meets the highest standards of neatness, hygiene, and purity.

Regulatory Compliance: We comply with all relevant food safety regulations and guidelines to ensure the safety and quality of our Cottage Wellness Handmade Buffalo Ghee.

Traceability: Our ghee production process is traceable, allowing us to track and monitor every batch, ensuring complete transparency and accountability.


At Cottage Wellness, we are committed to providing you with Handmade Buffalo Ghee that is produced with utmost neatness and hygiene. Our dedication to quality and cleanliness guarantees a product that surpasses your expectations in taste, aroma, and purity. Enjoy the goodness of Cottage Wellness Handmade Buffalo Ghee and elevate your culinary experience to new heights.






250 ml, 500 ml


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