Coconut Oil



*Cold Pressed

*Wood Pressed

Cottage Wellness Handmade Edible Coconut Oil is a premium product carefully crafted with the utmost dedication and expertise. Made from the finest coconuts, this oil is a true embodiment of the tropical paradise. With its delightful aroma, smooth texture, and numerous health benefits, coconut oil has been cherished for centuries in traditional cuisines and natural remedies.


Heart Health: Cottage Wellness Handmade Edible Coconut Oil is a heart-healthy choice. It contains healthy fats called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are easily metabolized by the body and can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Regular consumption of coconut oil in moderation may support cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Boosts Immunity: Coconut oil is known for its immune-boosting properties. It contains lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid with antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Lauric acid is converted in the body into a compound called monolaurin, which helps in fighting off harmful pathogens and strengthening the immune system.

Skin Nourishment: Cottage Wellness Handmade Edible Coconut Oil is a luxurious treat for the skin. It is rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids that nourish and moisturize the skin, leaving it soft and supple. Coconut oil can be used topically as a natural moisturizer, lip balm, or hair conditioner, helping to promote healthy skin and hair.

Energy Booster: The MCTs present in coconut oil are quickly converted into energy by the body. Adding coconut oil to your diet can provide a quick and sustained energy boost, making it an excellent choice for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, or anyone in need of a natural energy source.

Weight Management: Coconut oil has been studied for its potential role in weight management. The MCTs in coconut oil may help increase feelings of fullness and boost calorie burning. Incorporating coconut oil into a balanced diet, along with regular exercise, may support healthy weight management goals.

Digestive Health: Cottage Wellness Handmade Edible Coconut Oil is gentle on the digestive system and can help promote digestive health. The MCTs in coconut oil have antimicrobial properties that can help combat harmful bacteria in the gut. Additionally, coconut oil may aid in improving nutrient absorption and reducing symptoms of digestive disorders.

Oral Health: Coconut oil pulling, a traditional Ayurvedic practice, involves swishing coconut oil in the mouth to improve oral health. The antimicrobial properties of coconut oil may help reduce plaque buildup, fight bad breath, and promote healthy gums. Incorporating coconut oil pulling into your oral hygiene routine may contribute to overall dental health.

Making Process:

Harvesting: The process begins with the careful harvesting of mature coconuts from coconut palm trees. Only coconuts at their peak ripeness are selected for oil extraction to ensure optimal quality.

Husking: The outer husk of the coconut is removed to reveal the hard shell inside. This step prepares the coconut for further processing.

Dehusking: The hard shell is removed, exposing the white coconut meat inside. The meat is rich in coconut oil and serves as the raw material for oil extraction.

Grating: The coconut meat is grated into fine shreds using traditional methods or modern machinery. This step increases the surface area of the coconut, facilitating the extraction process.

Drying: The grated coconut is spread out and dried either naturally under the sun or using controlled drying methods. Drying helps remove excess moisture from the coconut, making it easier to extract the oil.

Pressing: The dried coconut is pressed to extract the oil. This can be done using various methods, such as cold pressing or expeller pressing, to ensure the oil retains its natural properties and aroma.

Filtering: The extracted coconut oil undergoes a meticulous filtration process to remove any impurities or solids, resulting in a pure and clear oil.

Settling: The filtered oil is allowed to settle, allowing any remaining sediments to separate from the oil. This step ensures the final product is clean and free from unwanted particles.

Bottling: The pure coconut oil is carefully bottled in hygienic containers, preserving its freshness and quality. The bottles are sealed to prevent oxidation and to maintain the oil’s integrity until it reaches the consumer.

Quality Control: Cottage Wellness Handmade Edible Coconut Oil undergoes strict quality control measures to ensure that it meets the highest standards of purity and quality. Each batch is tested for purity, potency, and safety to deliver a premium product that customers can trust.

Storage Recommendations: It is recommended to store the coconut oil in a cool and dark place to maintain its freshness and extend its shelf life. Proper storage helps in preserving the oil’s natural properties and ensures optimal effectiveness.

External and Culinary Use: Cottage Wellness Handmade Edible Coconut Oil is suitable for both external and culinary use. It can be used for cooking, baking, frying, or as a natural ingredient in various recipes. Additionally, it can be applied topically for skin and hair care purposes.

Enjoy the Taste and Benefits: Cottage Wellness Handmade Edible Coconut Oil offers a delightful taste and a wide array of health benefits. Incorporate this versatile oil into your daily routine to enjoy its natural goodness and add a tropical touch to your culinary creations. Whether you use it in cooking, baking, or for skincare, Cottage Wellness Handmade Edible Coconut Oil is a nourishing addition to a healthy lifestyle.

Cottage Wellness cold and wood-pressed Coconut Oil is the result of a meticulous manufacturing process that prioritizes neatness and hygiene. With its numerous benefits for skincare, haircare, and culinary purposes, our Coconut Oil is a versatile and natural choice for those seeking a premium-quality product.



500 ml, 1 litre, 5 litre


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